Wi-Fi Connection Troubleshooting

If your Windows computer is not connecting to Wi-Fi, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get your Wi-Fi connection working again: Remember to follow these steps in order, as some issues may be resolved earlier in the process. If you continue […]

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Network Fundamentals

The fundamentals of networking refer to the core principles and concepts that underpin the functioning of computer networks. Here are some key fundamentals of networking: These fundamentals provide a basic understanding of how computer networks operate. Networking is a vast field, and there are many more advanced concepts and technologies that build upon these fundamentals.

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How to Set a Static IP Address for a Synology NAS

Setting a static IP address on your NAS is always a good starting point as this will never change after restarts and port changes. 1. Go to the Control Panel and select Network Interface. Select Edit on the LAN device. 2. Select Use manual configuration and enter the IP Address you’d like to use. The subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server can all stay as default (since […]

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